Rusher Spotter

Platform: iPhone, iPad, Android (Google Play Store), Amazon Apps, Windows Phone, PC/Mac (Online)

Engine: Unity

Language: C#

Tools Used: Unity, Photoshop, Lucidchart, Redmine, Perforce

Duration: 2 Weeks

Release Date: Oct 18, 2014

Team Size: 10+

Role: Game Designer, Scripter.

Brief Game description:

Rusher Spotter is a minigame based around memorization. An object travels across screen from left to right. Upon exiting the screen, the player is presented with four options and tasked with selecting the object which was shown earlier. Each time a player successfully selects the correct object, the cycle repeats, but  faster. The player attempts to complete as many rounds as possible within forty-five seconds. They can use power ups to boost their score or to hinder their opponents.





Detailed Info:

For Rusher Spotter, I was tasked with designing a new minigame which utilized the style of learning which is present in Brain Age, specifically memory. I also had to have it done very quickly, so this one was a particularly fun challenge. Due to the time restriction, I made the decision to use power ups which were already in other minigames to cut back on time. Luckily, when I was added to the project, I began to research minigames to see what I could use. The inspiration for this minigame came from a Mario Party minigame. The initial version only lasted for three rounds. This gameplay style didn't quite fit with the constant engagement I wanted my players to feel. So I changed it from round based to time based. In addition to giving the player fortyfive seconds to complete as many rounds as possible, I made each of the rounds speed up. I wanted to increase the challenge for players who were doing well, and reward them by giving them the opportunity to score even higher. 

The specific items which pass by are set up with a variety of variables to create a limitless amount of choices. Specifically, the color of the object, the object itself, the symbol on the object, the color of the symbol, and the location of the symbol. This allowed me to have every round feel different and avoid the issue of players learning patterns and correct answers solely on the base object.

Disclaimer: Art done by artists at JumpStart - Knowledge Adventure.